Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spice cake, coffee, and philosophy

You're reading a good book
When you can eat it with spice cake
And neither the book nor the cake is ruined

I would like to inform you that
Philosophy is ruining my spice cake
The blue-gold taste of a summer day
Is suddenly sickly sweet
Proofs, fallacies and algorithms
Sticking to the roof of my mouth
Battery acid of life and death questions

For the first month I was in your class
I called it metaphysics, mortality and mind
It is "morality" not mortality
But my mind clings to that first fallacy

Philosophy may be enlightening
Or burdening or buzzing
But as weighty questions stand
I prefer enlightenment with spice cake

And Philosophy was made for coffee


I started cleaning bathrooms
Because I love to sing
And there are good acoustics
And then I met your shadows

You're transparent in daylight
But in those bathrooms
I catch the worst of who you are

You make me want to curse tiles
Tell you that if you want to be invisible
Do a better job at it

You make me want to meet
More than what's left of you
And somehow make you live
Outside the inches

The sickly sweet smell of pizza
In the darkest stall
The shadows of your demons
Orange splatters of vomit
On the bottom of the toilet seat

Inspired again by a recital

I want your dreamy dress
And the way you sing German
So I can read between the lines
Of foreign words
I want the rose in your cheeks
The high color bursting from your mouth
A hummingbird trapped in a vaulted ceiling

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Inspired by jazz

In love with a musician:

The jewel in your hands
Sings as you finger it
Your soul escapes in notes
And I have the audacity to think
I grasp the entirety of you
Signing music "with love..."

High cheek bones flushed
Perfect eyes so focused they break me
Pleading with notes
That color my very breathing in
Love with the music

Others move to the music
But you
You move as if the music is in you
No one in the room
As I watch
Eyes sing heart-shaped harmony
Breath base
Fingers melody
And dare to dream I could make your kind of love

And then wake up to black fingers
And crumpled papers
And know I make love with ink

Friday, March 26, 2010

I have discovered verse novels

from yours truly.

Paris, you torture me so
The Ifle Tower
A humming bird
I cannot catch
To become it's colors

Stop, Italy
Stop twirling me
Thinking you can make me dance to the sound of Venice
Stop seducing me with the smell of coffee
And the thought of boats
Stop because
Should I ever fall into your heart
I will be ruined for life

Chains hiss around my eyelids
I need to keep dreaming and doing
If I rest on only dreams
I will wake up in chains
Unable to do
If I rise to only do
I will sleep in chains
Unable to dream.

My bed luxuriously swallows me
Laying me to rest
At the bottom of bruised muscles and melting will
Happy oblivion of human wrinkles
On a curb
Under the newspapers
I wake up to every morning

Is like savoring a bar of expensive ten-square chocolate
I take one tiny bite each day
Only to realize that the other nine squares
Are made of baking cocoa

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Today's epiphany: Kill it with love.

All you need is love, but a little chocolate wouldn't hurt either

Last night I went to an amazing flute concert. There was this one piece with the piano accompanying. It was so beautiful I had to close my eyes and watch the pictures floating behind them as the music soared. Music can tell the most touching stories if you just close your eyes.

Yours truly,
butterfly girl

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"rosemary pamplemousse"

Today in the shower I read for the first time the name of a body wash I've had since the biginning of the semester: "rosemary pamplemousse"

What kind of a name is that?!

Monday, March 8, 2010

"I want to do with you what Spring does with the cherry trees."

Introduced today to a Spanish poet, pablo Neruda...and somehow his poems are just as beautiful in English.

yours truly
butterfly girl

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Just returned from taking a Ed Psych test. .The subsequent essay I began with Miracle Max's famous line: "Ah, true love is the most noble cause...except for a nice MLT, mutton, lettuce and tomatoe, with the mutton nice and lean. mmmmmm. That's so perky."
The essay was about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Don't ask me how I incorperated the quote. It was a long and strenuous process. :)

It's sunny and gorgeous today. Twice in a row! Studants are wearing T-shirts outside despite the half-foot of snow and I do not wish to imagine the delusion acting upon those who subject themselves to such a severe case of goosebumps. However I do applaud the "I defy winter" attitude.

Spring is in the air and I feel like a child a month (or two) before Christmas.

Yours trully
butterfly girl

Monday, March 1, 2010

Quote of the Day: This pizza is like 3M. It makes me question the integrity of everything.

Things to do before I turn 30: don't laugh!:)

Buy a red dress.

And red heels.

Try a Martini.

Visit my sis in Holland.

And the ifle tower.

(Finally) get my driver's licence.

Have my own apartment.

Put $ in mutual funds.

Send a valentine to a celebrity.

Yay for breaks!

Goodness Gracious it's already March!

Well we just had a four day delightful break. Here's to movie-marathons, angels on treacherous roads, horse riding (for the first time since I was....9?), and homemade food. :)