Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The stranger

Today you said
He was staring
At me
With one sentence
A stranger became momentous

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thankfulness #2

Hello loves!
I am thankful for an adorable little room I can now call my own. I am so blessed to be able to have this.
Natural light pours through it's two windows, so that in the daytime, I hardly need the light on. It also has two large mirrors which gloriously reflect the light from the windows. I happened to glance out and see the cotton-candy pink sunset. Subsequently I just finished watching, feet propped on the window ledge. Room darkened, comforter over my shoulders and cup of tea in hand. This is better than the movies.
My lovely friends dropped by today for a study party and games of dutch blitz.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Hello loves!
I've decided to do a self-challenge where I focus more on what I'm thankful for via anecdotes. :)
1. I got mail! Real mail! Not only did I recieve several packages of school books but also a lovely letter from my friend Lydia. Letters are such a blessing. As my sister says, as long as I'm alive no post office is going out of business.
2. Speaking of letters...I had the pleasure of meeting a delightful 90 year old man today. He had spent many years in Africa serving in medical missions...and had heard of Mercy ships. He asked me to deliver a letter to a student who he met there. It was such a delight to chat with him. I am so inspired....(and I could tell by the envelope lettering that it was types with an old type-writer :)
3. I was honored to be invited to lunch with a potential Education faculty member. It was lovely. There are times when it is just so glorious to be able to relate to professionals. Not just professionals, but friendly open and VERY knowledgeable professionals...people with various acronyms behind their names. Glorious.
4. It's sunny AND (dare I commit the profanity) no snow!!!!!!
5. Not to mention my AMAZING family...
7. Those friends that invite you over for cups of coffee at the drop of a hat.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


It hit me just today how absolutely incredible humanity's built-in-capacity for the immaterial is. Grace, love, ect can't be quantified or measured. And what about the need for purpose? Where is that in our nicely diagramed graphs and numbers? Perhaps that's why it has distressed philosophers for ages. We can't control what we can't touch taste see, hear or smell. And yet some have built greatness on this mere "inspiration."

I swear that's how the Taj Mahall was made. Did you know that a king made it in memory of his deceased wife? And later his own grave was built into it. He probably never guessed it would one day be one of the eight wonders of the world and thousands of people would travel to see the monument he made to their love.

Whenever I get too skeptical I try remember that. The human spirit is indeed capable of Sidney's "mimesis" and the subsequent reflection of grace.

Romans 8:38