Saturday, October 23, 2010

End of october already!

Hello darlings!
This semester has truly embodied insanity (in a good way)and I am looking forward to a fresh start next semester. I keep thinking that "things will settle after a while." They haven't. You can definitely pray for time management skills for me.
I've finally declared my majors-English and Education
Took 17 credits this semester, but it's winding down.
Having a blast teaching Hannah creative writing via skype.
Taking advantage of all the extra curricular activities (perhaps too much so:) Thinking of studying abroad next fall-but still figuring out if it's even possible Long term dream: teaching at an international school in Europe-I'm a total romantic and love Europe.
My roommate's wonderful and I know I've definitely grown a lot spiritually.
Keeping up with my (oh so glamorous) bathroom cleaning job. :)

Oh, I wish I could just reach through the screen to give you all a big hug.

God bless!


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