Friday, June 4, 2010


Do you ever find yourself pleasantly surprised at how lovely 6 hours in the car can be? My mom and sis came Wed night. WE had a lovely girls night with Britney and Alexandra watching The Young Victoria. Absolutely wonderful. :) The following day, I left as soon as class got out. It was nice listening to music and of course a Harry Potter tape...with several hours of shopping towards the end. In-car hours become much more pleasant when one has several reprieves. Arrived home last night around 9 and felt entitled to scream "I'm home!" at the top of my lungs. It felt good. And since then I have been in a happily harried state of excitement. Unpacking, redecorating and rearranging my room to my new taste (which tends to change often:) Dusting, vacuuming, scheduling, calling about jobs, writing letters, making bags of hand-me downs...etc. I'm taking the online Adolescent Literature course, which will go towards me graduating early. Oh! Did I tell you my latest major? Teaching English! I feel like I've come full circle, rediscovering my great passion for reading and writing.
One of my goals for the summer is to cook suppers for my family two weeks in a row...ON MY starting Monday...I'm warning my family to have much grace when things start smoking, and the alarm goes off and when we end up with half-cooked, or overcooked or not enough....I'm actually pretty excited...
Briefly helped Mom weed the garden today...fresh dirt is beautiful, the process of revealing it not quite so much. It was funny pulling up weed and finding the many discarded shells form ocean visits, and various, gems and beads that had fallen off the porch...a veritable treasure hunt.:)

Yours truly,
Butterfly girl

1 comment:

Kenzi Grace said...

That's lovely! I'm glad your home! Have fun cooking! =)