To my wonderful blessings back home and abroad,
Merry Christmas! The ship has been transformed. Filled with Christmas music and smiles and anticipation. There has never been a hum drum rhythm here, but I am now distinctly aware of the dancing, sparkling cadence of the white lights strung up and down banisters and trees and ceilings.
They had a Christmas sale here, where the families or creative individuals could sell their creations, there was handmade jewelry and stamped cards and cookies and decorations. And there was free apple cider. I couldn't help but think of the winter carnival parade back home and the adventures of handing out free hot cocoa.
The Norwegians held a Santa Lucia celebration. All in white with wreaths of candles on their heads.

And there was star-gazing and Christmas caroling in mid-ships and we even had our very own Santa Clause!

Christmas Eve; we went out to soak up more of the rich Spanish culture in Tenerife. Out to observe the street musicians, the opera house that looks like the one in Sydney and the parks and pools and perfectly manicured flowers that seem to be everywhere. That night the dining room became some great and glorious hall for lords and ladies. Everyone dressed up. And everything was decked out in that glowing way that only comes at Christmas time. And we all were awed by the extravagance and care put into it all. And then we had a worship service and sang "a North American Christmas carol." (Oh Come, oh Come, Emmanuel.) The service was beautiful, and thought provoking and I missed you all.
And it all makes me feel once again like a wide eyed child; drinking in the vitality of every moment. They change, hour to hour, day to day, year to year, lifetime to lifetime. And some make me feel numb and others make me more sensitive. And they are all so acutely felt because they contrast. Like our crazy Creator splashing colors. Using our souls as a canvas in this painting that is so much more insanely beautiful than our saneness can comprehend.
Dear Corina,
As I sit in the Ausable Inn, and look out the window at your beautiful house covered in snow I can not help but miss you terribly. I am praying for you as always, and was so excited to hear about your wonderful Christmas adventures! =)
You are an amazing person. Love and miss you very much. God bless!!
Love your sister in Christ, Mackenzie Kennedy
Dear Corina,
Missing you so much, you and your beautiful smile.
We pray that your New Year will be one of closeness with Jesus like you have never known before.
Go with God, dear one.
Love you.
Randy and Donna
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