Saturday, March 16, 2013

Just dandy, how are you?

Momentous occasion: Poetry reading is like riding a really good roller coaster. When it's over, you've either just puked all over everyone or you're laughing and screaming "I'm alive!"

Vocab word: What's worse than those dreams where I'm trying to get ready for the day but end up spending the whole day trying to gather everything I've lost or forgotten? Insomnia.

Awkward moment of the day:
I walk into the laundry room to get my laundry and low and behold there's a freshmen couple mid intimate moment. I restrained myself from my favorite line: "Please. Don't stop. It's too beautiful." Instead I played it cool:
"Hello there!"
Calmly walk past flustered couple, attempting to quickly gain distance and a semblance of dignity.
The second they left I died...doubled over laughing with cruel glee. I'm pretty sure they heard me. There's just something so fulfilling about interupting cheesy moments. Hehe.

Latest weird habit: Using laundry detergent as shampoo and body wash AND detergent. Best kept secret ever.