Monday, September 20, 2010

Hello darlings!
I know, I've been horrible at keeping up. The past few weeks have been rather (ok, really,) busy, but I am enjoying college immensely and definitely growing spiritually.

Thankful for:
An amazing relationship with my roomate
6:30-7:30 prayer
reconnecting with friends
my little sister
acorn-cap necklaces
Literature courses
Hosanna-acapella singing group
"Tea and Texts"on Fridays
An upcoming accountability group meeting with some bosom friends
Lessons and fellowship at Rushfor Baptist church
The cafeteria's new, and fresher food
super chocolatey icecream
late night workouts
And times like this, when I thought my day would be super busy, but a class ended up being cancelled and I find I have more time and a greater appreciation of it.

I'll catch up all up on more details later.

Prayer requests:
For Burma and the ongoing genocide there
A custodial person who just underwent surgery b/c of cancer
For my family and church back home and brother in Delaware

Yours truly