To my dearest Darlings,
I have let an entire month slip by and will simply have to do my best at summarizing the past 4 weeks:
Well my first week home was entirely taken up in the delight of unpacking. Reclaiming, reorganizing and redecorating my room...launching into my online Adolescent Lit. course and catching up with family. One of my summer goals is to cook supers for my family for at least 2 weeks. Well, around the time I got home I embarked on my first week of cooking adventures armed with several cut out Martha Stewart recipes and grandiose plans. The fire alarm was turned off by the second meal. :) It actually turned out quite well...accept for the last night, during which I managed to cook all of 5 cups of rice in 8 cups of water-I had misread and thought 1 serving was 1 cup. We could have survived an ice age with all that rice.
The second week, I learned to juggle course work with fun as I visited my dear friend Janene in Rhode Island. Hot breakfasts lounging on the porch, homegrown strawberries, museums, boutiques, restaurants, mansions, evening walks, oldy movies. Need I say more? It was entirely and totally lovely and I am indebted to her.
The third week was spent resettling and job searching while our friend's kids stayed at the house and Kayt crammed for regents.
And this last week has been spent babysitting, cleaning houses, doing course work and spending time with my lovely Lesa. J took off work and made clear that I could not "hog her." We went hot-tubbing and hiking and played Scattagories and read in the evenings. I loved the girl chats and the laughter she brought. I'm getting pouty already just thinking of her having left. :( weekend I'm off to beloved Mackenzie's for her 18th Birthday! YAAAAAY! Super psyched and ready for a blast. I can just tell it's going to be entirely elegant and perfect.
Well, there you are (now this list-lover can cross another thing off:) It's going to be in the 80s this entire week...I plan to enjoy every moment of it. And thus I abandon computer for sun.
Yours truly
butterfly girl