Sunday, November 22, 2009

Old Abandoned houses

Hello my lovelies!
Just want to let you all know I am indeed alive and well and loving life.

Since I'm leaning towards the field of social work, my advisor suggested I take a few dabbling courses just to see. So I'm taking Sociology, and educational psych next semester. I'm super excited! (Although more than ready for and in need of Thanksgiving break.)It's all in His hands.
Currently I'm totally loving fall. Today we performed in Gospel Choir for a church in Rochester. The worship just gets better every time. And on the way back everything seemed so peaceful, the way a Sunday afternoon was meant to be. With me avidly pointing out old abandoned houses.."oh,oh,oh I'll live in that one!" (My parents were content once I had abandoned the I-could-live-in-a-barn stage.) Houses with boarded up windows and such just have "so much scope for the imagination." And potential and an aire of mystery. on the drive home,the sun beams broke through the clouds and turning the telephone wires all gold and we played crazy "I spy" games. :)
Oh, and have you heard of the book/movie Twilight? Well, the girl's here are quite awe struck (to put it nicely)by the whole production. One found herself so moved by the dashing young man that plays the vampire, that she commenced to line our halls with posters of him and the heroine. Thus, every morning I am scandalized by this man staring at me from the end of our hallway. That is the LAST thing I want to see after tumbling out of bed. And when I return from classes I hold my hands up like blinders....muttering mutinously under my breath. (Needless to say, I am less than a fan...although I certainly do not plan on not seeing the movie:)

In any case, God is Great and I wish you all an amazing Thanksgiving.

Yours truly,